

 How much does it cost?



While every farm and irrigation system is different, the average cost per acre for commodity crops (corn, soybean, wheat, alfalfa, etc.) is $200 per acre for two years.


The average cost per acre for most specialty crops is $500 for two years.


We always guarantee that the farmer will make more money than the cost of our Kyminasi Plant Booster system in the first year. Most growers make at least 5 to 10 times their investment back in the first year.


Farmers always earn money with the plant booster use!



Please supply me with the current retail price list.?



All single transmitter pipes (0-75 GPM flow rates): $1000 plus shipping

All 3 transmitter pipes (76-235 GPM): $4000 plus shipping

All 7 transmitter pipes (236-390 GPM): $7000 plus shipping

All 9 transmitter pipes (390-650 GPM): $12000 plus shipping


Anything more than 75 GPM is priced by the acre or hectare. Pricing is $200 per acre / $500 per hectare for commodity crops (corn, soy, wheat, alfalfa) and $500 per acre / $1250 per hectare for specialty crops (everything else).




Visit our online store to see the catalog with detailed price information.




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