General info


What is Kyminasi Plant Booster (KPB)?



Kyminasi Plant Booster is the product name of technology invented by Fulvio Balmelli that uses biophysics to stimulate and improve plant and soil health. This technology has consistently demonstrated the ability to increase yields, improve fruit and vegetable quality and sustainably improve soil health over time. It works with all plant types in all growing conditions.


Another name of the product is Kyminasi Plant Crop Booster (KBCP).



How does it work?



The Kyminasi Plants Booster technology is a non-chemical catalyst that enhances nutrient absorption and plant metabolism using precise radio frequencies to "tune" the inherent molecular vibrations in plants to optimum function. Over 3000 unique signals are programmed onto small, silicon-based micro-transmitters.
These micro-transmitters are mounted on the metal pipe fittings of an irrigation system near the water source. The devices activate when water first flows past them. No power system is required. As water flows through the irrigation system, the Kyminasi Plant Booster system sends specific signals into the water. When plants absorb the water, these signals affect the 6 most vital aspects of plant growth and production.



How does water carry the signals?



Water has many unique qualities; one of which is the ability to carry radio wave signals across long distances. For example, submarines have been sending messages from the bottom of the ocean, through the air, and then through a radio tower to communicate with land bases. Dolphins and whales also communicate through water using high-pitched sounds at specific frequencies.  We have tapped into this natural technology. 



Is this like singing or music for the plants?



In a way, yes. Numerous researchers have proven that music and specific frequencies do influence plant health. The inventor of the Kyminasi Plant Booster, Fulvio Balmelli, spent over 20 years isolating the exact frequencies and signals responsible for plant growth and fruit and flower production.



How do the signals stay suspended in the water after it stops flowing?



The radio wave signals are stored at the molecular level. The signals cause the water molecules to vibrate at their frequency for a period of a few days or up to 3 weeks, depending on environmental conditions. We have been able to measure the signals for up to 3 weeks when water samples were taken and sent to our laboratory in Italy.



Who is Harvest Harmonics?



Harvest Harmonics is the Exclusive Worldwide distributor of the KYMINASI Plant Booster technology and all products utilizing this system.



Is this technology a consumable or a mechanical product?



The product is mechanical. Once the transmitters are activated, they remain in an "always on" state for 2 years, at which time they must be replaced.




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