

Is it a fertilizer?



No. It enhances the effectiveness of fertilizers by making the plant more efficient at utilizing the available water, nutrients, and sunlight.



Have you tested this at a university? Do you have peer-reviewed studies on it?


In 2019, we conducted two trials. The first validated that the KPB system can selectively increase the absorption and utilization of specific essential nutrients.

We currently have over 30 trials in progress in several countries. 

In 2021, we launched a program to get 1000 university trials documenting and confirming the effectiveness of the Kyminasi Plant Booster system in improving the quality and quantity of yields on a wide range of crops around the world.

Results and peer-reviewed white papers will be published on our website as they are completed. 

Kyminasi will be the most tested and validated agriculture technology worldwide.


Is your system organic?



Our Kyminasi Plant Booster uses a non-chemical signaling system that increases plant growth and improves plant health. In addition, it is fully compatible with organic growing.



Is it certified organic?



We have contacted OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute), the NOP (National Organic Program), and other certifying organizations to get our Kyminasi Plant Booster certified as an organic input. However, as our technology is not a chemical or material input, they have told us they cannot evaluate it. 

That said, we have many certified organic growers using our technology and have worked with several certifiers to ensure that using our system will not affect their organic certification. 


Organic Materials Review Institute: supports organic integrity by developing clear information and guidance about materials, so that producers know which products are appropriate for organic operations. OMRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an independent review of products, such as fertilizers, pest controls, livestock health care products, and numerous other inputs that are intended for use in certified organic production and processing. When companies apply, OMRI reviews their products against the organic standards. Acceptable products are OMRI Listed® and appear on the OMRI Products Lists©. OMRI also provides technical support and training for professionals in the organic industry.


National Organic Program: is a federal regulatory program that develops and enforces consistent national standards for organically produced agricultural products sold in the United States.NOP also accredits third-party organizations to certify that farms and businesses meet the national organic standards. 



Does it have an OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) number (organic certification)?


OMRI has stated that they cannot evaluate our micro-transmitter system, as they do not certify devices, only chemical inputs. See their policy here (underline added for clarity):



There is nothing inorganic or chemical about our biophysical signaling system. We will gladly work with any organic certification individual or agency.



Is this technology patented?



No. This technology is extremely advanced. It is estimated that it will take advanced researchers well over 15 years to reverse engineer or duplicate our technology. As a result, the inventor has decided not to patent the specific technology and or algorithms used in the Kyminasi Plant Booster technology, as we would then be required to divulge our trade secrets.



Have you done any trials with citrus yet?



We are conducting trials on all crop types in many areas of the world. If you have connections to a local university conducting citrus (or any other crop) research, we are very interested in working with the university to document the benefits of the KPB on citrus and other crops.

We already have multiple case studies documenting the positive effects of our system with citrus and other tree fruit.



Have you tested this on all crops?



Kyminasi Plant Booster was designed to enhance all plant types. We have a certification that the product will not harm any plant. However, with over 300,000 plant types worldwide, it is physically impossible to test every plant. We know that the technology has produced stellar results for every farmer, no matter the variety or climate type.




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